
Training and Coaching 55 Women Entrepreneurs in Lubumbashi: inspiring moments to remember

The Innovation center of Lubumbashi (Cinolu), together with the afrilabs network of Incubators and hubs in africa with the support of Visa launched the Revup women initiative to support women led businesses in 10 african cities of the 5 selected countries : DR Congo, Cameroon, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa.: Home – RevUp Women.

I was pleased to be selected as one of the trainers and coaches in Lubumbashi, one of the two selected cities in the Congo, together with Kinshasa. 55 women entrepreneurs were selected and have undergone an intensive process of trainings, coaching sessions and a lot of networking amongst them with other financial partners : (10) 105 femmes entrepreneures retenues pour le programme RevUp Women Initiative en RDC – #Annonce 📣 | LinkedIn

Coaching session with a woman entrepreneur in the agribusiness sector

I am excited to see the progress of our women entrepreneurs as they are progressing a lot and improving on their business concepts after exploiting the 5 technical tools made available to them during recent weeks : the #problem #canvas#persona#value proposition – the #Business Model Canvas  (BMC) & the #Profit &Loss .

a woman entrepreneur in the small industry sector

We have gone through personalized coaching #sessions recently and have seen how they have greatly innovated on their work. I am sure the demoday will be powerful to discover how they pitch us their fantastic works in front of potential partners, investors and financial partners.

Coaching session with a woman entrepreneur in the poultry business

En tant que formateur & coach #cinolu, c’est un plaisir de voir le progrès des femmes entrepreneurs à #Lubumbashi et qui prennent part au programme revup. la session de coaching personnalisé nous a permis de découvrir combien elles ont fait des progrès avec les 5 outils techniques exploités durant les dernières semaines : #canevas des problèmes – #persona #proposition de valeur – #bmc – P&L . On est sûr que la demoday sera une très belle journée pour découvrir leurs merveilleux pitchs.. (Des besoins en Education Financière se sont faits ressentir).

Coaching personnalisé avec une Femme Entrepreneur dans les Services


Business Consultant

CINOLU Coach & Trainer

+ 243 993 656 038

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2 commentaires

  1. C’est vraiment,une très bonne initiative, j’aimerais que ça soit publié partout au Congo, RDC,merci

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